Custom PaymentsGCG members or guests can now make custom amount payments to GCG on-line, using the PayPal button below. This page is useful for making donations, for pro-rated dues payments for new members in any amount, and also can be used to pay special fees for special events. The Paypal button will allow you to pay using either your Paypal account, if you have one, or any major credit card, as noted below. To pay online, click the "Donate" button at the bottom of the page. You will be taken to the PayPal site, where you can use a credit or debit card, or your PayPal account, to make your payment. Once at the Paypal site, enter the correct amount of your payment, in US Dollars, then click either the Paypal button or the Debit/Credit Card button. Once you either sign in to Paypal or enter your credit card information, click the "Write a Note (Optional)" link and enter your Name and the Reason for your payment into the box that appears. When done, hit the "Donate Now" button to complete the payment. Your card or account won't be charged until you hit the final "Donate Now" button on the site. If you have questions or additional information, please send an email to the GCG Treasurer.